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  1. EAC?

    Does this support Easy anti cheat? And if it does. Can I use wh? Best Regards
  2. W

    Few questions,

    Hi I'm new to the forum, and I'm planning to get LC, but I have few questions before I will make the purchase. Are you planning to add radar or backtrack to your features? Since I have seen many other cheat providers that already have them. I'm currently GE, and I want to get cheat for the...
  3. League or non league question

    Good morning, I'm interested in trying LC for the first time (first time for any cheat) . I've done extensive research(videos,forums) among multiple competitors and LC is what I'm probably going to go with. I'm going to setup a new steam account cause I don't want to take a chance on my 14 year...
  4. security question

    Is it worth buying league multi hack now or wait for 3.0? Want to go about 2/3 months and not be banned. I want the best security I can get asap. cheers
  5. Black Friday Sale, Live @ 12:00 am EST

    Hello All, Warm seasons greetings from League Cheats, We hope that you look forward to spending time with family and loved ones, gathered around a delicious meal. Being thankful for all you have. Friends, Family, Loved ones, League Cheats ;) (just kidding). We hope that we can bring some...
  6. Veterans Day Sale

    Welcome everyone to another wonderful day at League Cheats we can't Thank You enough for joining us or for the ones who served, I myself being a veteran am honored to be apart of an amazing community striving to be the best and honor all whom have served not just in the United States but all...

    So where do i begin this review?? Let´s just start with where i first encountred LC (League Cheats) Background: It all started early july last year when me and a bunch of friends decided to play some faceit. We jumped in the que as 4 and quickly got a match, we got matched with a lvl6 while...
  8. E


    Just i need to know this. If i buy this, i will be enable to participate in tournaments with the cheat? I mean Faceit Points Cup
  9. Just a question before I decide if I will buy.

    Hey guys! I'm very very new here (just signed up) and I just want to know if the non league and league multihacks have any differences with the features at all, like is there anything the league one can do that the non league can't in terms of settings? Thanks in advance for your help guys. :)
  10. New Anti-Cheat Status Page Banners

    So today I finished two banners for the anti-cheat status page, which has new informations and take off "uncertain" thoughts on our cheat, with direct and objective texts. League Version Non-League Version
  11. 3 Questions about LC

    Hello! So i recently discovered LC, all of my other subscriptions expired, and I am looking for a hack that I can safely use on my main account and use on my alt so LC seems like a promising option. I cheat on my alt more often but sometimes cheat on my main (maybe once every week or two) when...
  12. Leaguecheat multi league question

    Hey I just wanna to ask on which platforms is the league version undetetected ? cause i only have non league version atm but I wanna know if it is worth to upgrade :) Peace out NitroX
  13. [GER] Häufig gestellte Fragen|Hilfestellung für neue Mitglieder

    Im Namen vom gesamten Leaguecheats-Team und der Community, wünsche ich jedes neue deutsche Mitglied in unserer Community herzlich Willkommen. Du hast wahrscheinlich viele Fragen, die ich in diesem Beitrag versuchen werde zu beantworten. Falls Fragen offen bleiben sollten, zögere bitte nicht...
  14. a question for the csgo cheat

    Hi, what's the difference with league and non league?
  15. J

    Price Question

    Why is this cheat so much more expensive than every other one if it doesn't include faceit AC or esea????
  16. X

    [PL]Powrót do LC i Faceit AC

    Witam, Chce powrócić do tego cudeńka jakim jest nasz ukochany LeagueCheats, I mam pytanie mianowicie około 5/6 razy kupowałem tutaj wersje league i jak to będzie wyglądać apropo wersji jeśli bym teraz po przerwie pół rocznej wrócił do gierki? I jak wygląda sprawa AC Clienta Faceita ?
  17. E

    CSGO Multi Leaugue edition

    Hey, i just bought the leaugue version of csgo multi so my question, after i read some threads in the forum: Can i play on FaceIT with LeagueCheats: CSGO Multi-Hacks? If not, whats the difference between the leaugue und non-leaugue edition?! I cant find an answer for myself. Best regards...
  18. T

    LC 2 or LC 3 ?

    I get that LC 3 is in Beta right now and only few users can have it. But if i buy the league version now which leagues are supportet than ? I didnt find something about it. Thanks for your help
  19. non-League a League

    Powie mi ktos czy na non league jest wieksze prawdopodobinstwo wykrycia na MM czy faceit niz na League ? i czy bot dziala tak samo w sensie aim itp. ? bo nie wiem czy teraz kupic dalej leagu czy non-league
  20. E

    Non-league cheats

    can i bypass faceit anticheat with non-league cheats?? Or it need to be the League CheatS?
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