Most beginners think that you can buy cheats and immediately become a pro player. I played mm more than a year with cheats, and has never been banned from overwatch, just a big ban wave rekt me. i lost my inv. not a much, about 300$. And when you play with cheats, you can see immediately who is a cheater and a lot of them. If properly set up cheat, you never banned. I think many people get banned because of the fact that the rage when they lose. Begin to shoot prefire and aim assist on 100%... just a rage mode. or use isnt configured cheats. They are doing against cheaters, but forget that also receive reports. So the main thing in cheats - its .cfg - But sry guys, I think everyone should do them for yourself, but not to buy. It's something personal, you know? So don't listen to stupid silvers on forums, who gets ban fot bh. sry 4 my russian english. )