The same guy I helped out with his settings today played against me in a Matchmaking, what a coincidence, gg life @yunstar24
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Image under construction xD
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Say that to Nova-watch m8he played legit, in mid-end game he was strong but didnt get everything
This was LEM Elo, so 11:1 is nothing special^^ @Aaron
That's actually false.Only people over his Elo can overwatch his demo @Aaron
True, high smoothing and low FOV usually works so long as you have the sensitivity to back up your shots.It's almost impossible to get banned if you don't rage. A lot of people need to tag you are hacking beyond any doubt to valve check on you to be sure you are blatant hacking.
Honestly if you get banned by overwatch that means anyone can see you hacking on 32tick demo.
True, high smoothing and low FOV usually works so long as you have the sensitivity to back up your shots.
Depends if you go full blatant.The easy way to get banned by overwatch is wallhack
getting overwatched is easy these days even for ppl who dont hack. like i get a lot of videos to watch almost all of the cheat because aim is so good but movements are like BRONZE not even silver. dont forget that a guy of high rank will not ban you as fast as a guy of GN 1 rank because of his knowledge of the game.
other thing is i barely know anyone who still plays MM. if you cheat go to FACEIT if you dont go to ESEA its simple these days i guess. at least thats what i would do if i want to play