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Polish Matchmaking with Leaguecheats HARD

Can we have a translation for us non Polish's
I was going to ask that but it probably is some polish guys cursing out tox saying how he needs to uninstall and get better
We played earlier, guys got salty when they checked his profile and seen his LC shit
We played earlier, guys got salty when they checked his profile and seen his LC shit
Omg the same thing happened to me. I was demolishing these guys and they stalked my profile found info and typed in the internet like my username and then Faceit and got my leauge cheats stuff, hence why I changed my forums name.
Omg the same thing happened to me. I was demolishing these guys and they stalked my profile found info and typed in the internet like my username and then Faceit and got my leauge cheats stuff, hence why I changed my forums name.
It's impossible to find LC from my profile
btw if someone ever calls you 'kurwo', it means cunt, you fuck, fucker and probably some more. Theres no one specific word in english to translate it.
I never get matched with Polish, either French or Ruski but that's helpful to know for future reference, thanks <3
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