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Any doubt that he is cheating?

Well, i think we have not the same vision of what a human can do so this debat would be infinite.

I'm not saying your wrong or what, it's just that i believe human can actually do this with genetics gift and more than 10K Hours on the game.

Precision is something your muscle can learn, your eyes can learn...

Counter strike have RNG but still, it's not real rng, so after i don't know how many hours, you will prob have encounter every type of RNG on your bullet, and you would have develop unconscious spray rectification that you do ( i'm talking about mouse movement ) that can be close to what a cheat can do.

and as i said, even if Usain bolt can have off day, he would still run prob faster than 99% of the population. Depend on where is your skill celling at the moment.

With love and not a single part of hate.

PS: I think org actually have a rule in their contract, and they could prob sued a player who cheat, so i'm not sure about it gettin worth it in a pro level team.
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