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  1. What do you think of this ?

    Hello! Just want to know what do you think about this clip if it's not too fishy? i know the end is shit and i will put another video with other kills just for get info if we can see the aimlock
  2. Last day with LC

  3. Pre-Sale Q's (Quite green to cheating)

    As I've stated in the title, I'm quite new to the whole cheating scene (Only used Vacware for 2 months). Questions: 1. Do I need to DL the cheat onto a USB or will it be fine just Dl'ing it straight to the PC? 2. For Cevo client, how do I go about properly booting up the cheat? (through...
  4. B

    lol played this guy in mm

    accidentally opens cheat menu on stream not sure what cheat hes using tho twitch profile: steam profile: http://steamcommunity/profiles/76561198094941791/ looks like he uses viewerbot, and hours boost. ontop of hacking ofcourse. must be a hefty monthly...
  5. T

    ToX's settings v2 update for free MM/FaceIT ready cfg | Rifles/AWP/Deag/USP | Mouse1 | Mouse5

    1. AWP mouse1 2. AK for MM 3. Deag for FaceIT 4. FaceIT rifle settings 5. Dope SMG 1. USP 2. Deagle MM Settings you can DL from here:
  6. Found my Demo in a youtuber overwatch series lol

    I was actually using an offset aimlock, thats why i knew, didnt get banned or anything, enjoy lmao
  7. Deagle Frag Movie #1

    The guy who shot in my head at 2:10 is @FD^GoD :(
  8. B

    most insane editting ever?

  9. Easy 4k Mirage

    Easy 4k on Mirage, no Wallhack used. Nothing special. When i upload it to YouTube the quality are bad as fuck why? when i watch it on my computer its crisp and nice, why?
  10. Mirage ace testing new config

    I'm new to editing, so nothing crazy just trying a new config. Quality is a lot better on my computer then youtube made it. No wallhack or trigger, only rcs, aimbot.
  11. some frags with LC and post LC

    Only 3 showcasings in total are with LC ESP, the rest are legitimately played several months ago. For this very reason the name section is blurred in the old video. The new video isn't realnick so it's w/e. Any feedback would be appreciated. New: A bit older: Off-topic If someone knows...
  12. Awesome Glock Clutch & Sick AWP Ace & 4 Kills in 6 Seconds

    Enjoy fellas :D Some clips from today! Awesome Glock Clutch Sick AWP Ace 4 Kills in 6 Seconds
  13. AWP 4 KILLS + 360 kill

    So ez :D
  14. lean and bacon breakfast

    pushing site B like an idiot Switched to 1280x1024 stretched Most recent public settings are here.
  15. Need a good video maker.

    I want someone to help me build frag videos for my configs and your videos will be here on LC. I'm accepting applications now. Perks will be you get lifetime to all my configs and 24 hours of pro lessons at no cost. This is a labor of love not a paid gig. Apply below or send me a pm. Please...
  16. UMP is to strong

  17. 4k Deagle + Ace #bestdeaglecfg

    Get ToX's cfg, it's amazing!
  18. Plays from yesterday

    Well, i made one more fast movie today, too much time when u got a free week from work huehue
  19. Faceit Clips

    Just Got Back To My PC And Played One Game (Lowkey The Black Box Didn't Work) Also forgot I recorded in 1600 by 900 so I couldn't OUR it in 1080p. I've been messing up recently sorry. BibleThump
  20. Another one ~ Deagle 4k HS

    ^^^^^ second clip.
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