HvH against lc ToX(legit) and Untrusted.ml


Gold Nova II
Mar 24, 2016

ragers: @AirMake @pipz1337 (they didnt use lc)
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Judging that ToX was 11 kills, he wasn't trying, probably a solo-queue./
They were full team lmao, are you guys stupid? (sorry) xD but ofc hes not gonna soloqueue xD
Yea, I play'd with pre-made team. But one of your guys started semi-rage hacking with a*mw*re so my friend turn'd off LC > rejoin with skeet and the game started. It was 2vs1 so u can't do too much. @ Cache there is some spots where CT players can see T and T can't see CT :p It's "PVS" https://leaguecheats.com/threads/csgo-pvs.918/