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GamersClub Update - disponível agora para compra

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I edited the original post because there is also the configreloadkey which has been added to the new version.

This allows you to reload your config ingame.
Does anyone know how to circumvent the GC ban?
Jim will work on a spoofer project in the future and there's no ETA.

By now you can buy a new PC and new modem to be 100% safe.

I was reading about changing the HWID of the computer, and how it is able to accomplish this possible or even an exchange of one of the components of hardawre since the set generates the HWID.
I will be testing this case in the next few days, my question was just to know if someone had already gone through this and had managed to accomplish without buying a new computer.

There is some speculations that if you buy a new Mb and HD you can play safe on GC.

Until now, i never heard of anyone using HWID to play on GC. But i think HWID can work.
I tried only changing HD ID's, didn't worked. I had to change HD's id and mac adress, un-log from every accounts linked to every browsers and change my windows. I passed there for 1 month then I got banned. I bought a new PC, and I'm fine there now
There is some speculations that if you buy a new Mb and HD you can play safe on GC.

Until now, i never heard of anyone using HWID to play on GC. But i think HWID can work.
Mac and HDD. And many things only take one of those. But most things are actually using volume ID. Meaning if u fully destroy the drives partition table and reformat it completely it will have a new volume ID.

Sent from my HTC 10 On Sprint using Tapatalk

did not know that, i think it's much easier destroy the drivers, but how we do dat ?

(i'm not banned on GC, just curious )
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