Is this Dawn doing LC proud?

Haha I am pretty sure it is him.
Also this Dawn from the video commented that on the video:
"I play on black bars 1024x768, sens 3, m_rawinput 0, dpi 400 windows sens 5/11"

Sens 3, m_rawinput 0? Coincidence.. or LC? :p
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Haha I am pretty sure it is him.
Also this Dawn from the video commented that on the video:
"I play on black bars 1024x768, sens 3, m_rawinput 0, dpi 400 windows sens 5/11"

Sens 3, m_rawinput 0? Coincidence.. or LC? :p
I wouldn't say good job if you're relying on the deagle to get kills and bare in mind that if you finish your game negative but have those deagle kills it surely looks suspicious :(

But then again that's a cheater perspective, people that don't have this knowledge are really saying you're playing legit, so gj on that.
Trust me if I were cheating during that match I think we would've won the game.
--- (EDIT: Please use the edit button) ---
SIKE Damn straight I was cheating but I didnt feel like trying I was up 20 hours and had sleep deprivation. So i just force bought deag every round
Different people. Our Dawn has a fairly light voice whereas that other Dawn has a deep voice.
Hes not talking about the guy who made the video bud, watch the video than maybe you'll understand kek
Wow didnt saw that expression for so muhc time....
Didnt knew that shit was still on use! :D