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News on Update

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i switch to league version in November then cevo/esl off, renew then faceit off... I'm not mad but it is not fair
Things changed, anti cheats became more nazi due some pleb cheats found bypass @ UC.
I understand but I think that there should be some kind of compensation
I understand but I think that there should be some kind of compensation

My romanian brain agrees that, but my human brain disagrees that.. The cheat is not down.. You can still use the cheat on matchmaking..popflash..pvpro etc. But we are that kind of guys that only play faceit and etc.. so that's why I agree and disagree at once.

Yes, but you don't need league version for these
How is the schedule on EAC, I understand faceit got more complicated but how about EAC or you still plan to release it same time?
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