LC2.5 "Non-League" CSGO Cheat Release

Just Released Another Update
Fixed bugs from last night. 4/16/16

Hey all,
I am proud to announce the LeagueCheats LC2.5 CSGO Non-League Update.

The update with full league proofing has been delayed due to the need for additional testing, however ALL LC 2.5 features not related to league proofing are included with the League version at this time.

We have most of it working at this point but its better for us to test it for some time before release.

AimOnShoot (1 & 2) - Aims only when firing, Only when Not Firing
Ignore Jumping - Aimbot can ignore jumping targets
AimCloseFOV - A secondary FOV for targets in a closer proximity
AimCloseDist - Distance of Secondary FOV Toggle
CloseFOVScoped - Apply the "CloseFOV" when Scoped
RecoilAfter - Start Recoil After X Bullets (Good for 1-2 Taps)
Random Delay Triggerbot - Min & Max Values
Triggerbot Vischeck Options - Type 1 Triggerbot Only, Part of bSpotted Options for Multicore Workaround.
Random Delay Bhop - Min & Max Values
Improved RandomSpot - More Randomization Per Frame, etc
bSpotted Vischeck for Multicore Workaround
Multicore Workaround Full Edition
List ESP - The Ultimate Legit ESP, Listing Players that are not on your screen, or players anywhere in case you don't want to know where they are exactly.
Triggerbot Settings on WeaponConfigs
WeaponConfig Key Toggles
FlickShot -
Additional Aimbot Key with a secondary set of settings to perform "flickshots" that are more aggressive than the default settings
Security & String processing improvements
Armor & Health ESP
now Showing if they have a Helm or Kevlar
Various Entity ESP Fixes w/ Strings/Guns/etc
Entity ESP can show IED (the bomb) across map, shows which players are carrying a defuser, shows if player is defusing.
Sequence ESP can Show Scoped Player
Crosshair Sizes - Adjustable Crosshair Sizes
Crosshair "T" Fix - ReAlign Crosshair for all resolutions
Crosshair Width Adjustments to go with new sizing
Distance ESP Accuracy - Shows Distance to .XX accuracy now instead of a whole number
NoText - Disable All Text From the Cheat (Including Menu) Enabling Alt-Tab Full-screen functionality without compromising security. (Settings File Only Value)
ToggleESP Key - Toggle ESP (ESP 2) with a key, so it only activates as you hold the key. Good for LAN's and other "legit" situations.

Loader Changes (Loader Setting Options in Builder):

Forever Persist- Keep the loader open "forever" or until you manually close it or restart your PC.
RemoveFiles - Hide/Erase the Settings & Loader files while cheat is active (Strong against League AC's).

Build Server Changes

Additional Randomization - Better Randomization Seeding
Additional Replacement Techniques & Padding Control - More Diverse Output

Things Which are Still WIP / In Testing

CEVO Proofings -
Full 64b Proofing Protection Module
ESL Screenshot Proofings - Full 64b & 32b SS proofing protection module for using ESP, etc
EAC Loader & Protection - EAC/Steam Loader to Inject the cheats on EAC
myAC/AAC Loader & Proofings - Protection & Loading for both.
Stream Support - Being able to use things like OBS to Stream.

All new versions are available on the Updater as usual.

The guide has now been moved to it's own section on the site see:
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