faceit client

sad i am been told to install AC ... now how can i use the hack?? i only play faceit

You have to wait like me for the LC 3.0 release, only after 2 months of LC can you buy it just like me, so stay with us. Go play in the faceit with the AC, you learn a lot and then with the hack you still get better. :D

Before you can buy PRO League version you have to be our user for atlest 2 months. What is that mean?

You need to be subscriber for at least 2 months. If you pass this requirement you will be able to purchase PRO League version and with PRO League version you will be able to play at FaceIT/EAC.
Without this requirement you won't be able to buy PRO League version.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask, if not let me know if i can close this thread.

Best regards,