This site got featured in 3kliksphilip’s video. I can say I am impressed. It’s still almost beta though.
This could help us promote LC easier.
Hello community!
I'm happy, because I have never seen before so nice community.
My review :doge:
Aimbot 10/10 - Best aimbot i have ever used. This aimbot is very clear on the demos!
Esp x/10 - I'm not using ESP, because i don't know how to play with it :p
Triggerbot 10/10 - The best...
Hey all Niik here and its that time again where I go around and collect your demos to be shown off in the next League Cheats video! This time around we would prefer all demos and clips from everyone participation in the beta 3.0! (.dem files only) But if youre not participating in the beta we...
I am looking to create a promotional video for LeagueCheats, and need your demos to do this. Your player names will be swapped out with "LeagueCheats".
Please send any highlights that you have and want in the video in an email with a download link to or PM me here at...
Well i had to scrap this intro clip as it was already used in an LC edit. So i figured i would at least upload what i did even if it is only 30 seconds. Please send me new demos so we can get them in the new LC edits!
Please send me demos that have not been used yet!
Hello! My name is Nik and I edit videos here at LeagueCheats but I need your help to do it. All I ask is that, if you wish to, send me some demos of nice clips, plays or shots you got while using LeagueCheats 2.5 by PMing me! I do get frequented with a lot of questions...
Hey guys, I've been using LC for almost 6 months now, and I recently have been using the cheat on Faceit with NO problems. I've been tweeking my settings, finding what fits me.
I currently have some demos that I want to be used to create a frag movie, there are many 3k/4k/aces, clutches and all...