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LeagueCheats Pro League Availability - Aug 30

So great to be a LC member, great work jimster with the pro league with divedeep. Cant wait for the faceit test for windows 7!

Let's hope you're not paying with someone else skins!
Woah?? what are you guys talking about? Why do like multiple people hate me now?
Woah?? what are you guys talking about? Why do like multiple people hate me now?
Hmmmm we all wonder?
Maybe if an account wasnt recovered?
People hate scammers especially when it comes to 700 usd in skins
Hmmmm we all wonder?
Maybe if an account wasnt recovered?
People hate scammers especially when it comes to 700 usd in skins

Man im confused, im not a scammer im really confused. I try and stay friendly and professional situations but rn its a big shock to see everybody hating on me when i dont know what i have done. Maybe we can talk and maybe i can understand what is wrong with you?
Ye dude its gonna be fuckin lit
Sorry, I read more, I do not understand, this 75 $ already has? and is it usable at gamers club? Can I buy it for the credit card? You can pass the link that I can buy here on the site because I do not know where it is ... sorry for the inconvenience but I'm eligo
! Sorry, friend, can you help me?
You cant buy it as you havent been here for a amount of time making your worthy to buy it.
Sorry but they have an eligibility badge that your supposed to have if you want to buy it.
--- (EDIT: Please use the edit button) ---
E o que eu faço para merecer comprá-lo?
Tonight I'll make some testing with Jimster on windows 10 and as he said already that actually its looking like it will work!

Btw, great news Jimster!

How do I finish the test, does it work in win10 or not?...

Sent from my HTC 10 On Sprint using Tapatalk
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