Latest 3.0 Beta News, New Recruitment and Much More! [Updated]

Probably everybody is waiting for the main LC 3.0 release :)
Sadly our team decided to not release unfinished project until Jimster fully secures it. What does it mean?. Right now we have few different layers of protection, but when it comes to multi billion company.. They will have enough funds to hire a professional reverse engineering team to get us detected or patch our unique bypass method. Jimster is trying to secure every single part of LC 3.0. We can still get detected or our bypass can be patched, but it will be basically unprofitable for AC's DEVs/VAC. That's what J480 is trying to do right now.
Once LC 3.0 will be ready, we are going to release it. It takes some time to do it, but every day we are getting closer to final release.
Our security in LC 2.5 (current version) is already top notch, we have one of the best UD streaks on the p2c market, the cheat came out in October 2012 and we had first detection in March 2015. Right now we are over 800+ days UD = 2 Years and 2 months+.
We know how important security is, everyone here at LC is playing with high expensive inventories (I'm playing with 3.8k € inventory too Steam) your skins, your career must be SECURED :) We know how important security is ;) and that's why we are increasing security in LC 3.0 to provide the best available security on the p2c market.
In LC 3.0 there will be also a new recoil type 5(Standalone RCS) and a few other minor bug fixes/tweaks. More features will be added in time. Example: Autoshoot type 3 (old type 2 where ab only shoot once instead of spamming with deagle right now Kappa), Dynamic FOV, Recoil Crosshair, Separate Scout/AWP/M4?/AK? from weaponconfig system.

Security and Security.. What business model should we choose? When will the Beta end so we all can use it? Will be the bypass available for everyone? The highest LC Staff is deciding what we are going to do with LC: these are our few options:

-Release LC 3.0 with bypass for everyone
Pros and cons:
+ More moni for J480 = new projects like Rust (We have already EAC bypass) etc..
- Extreme high number of new customers = quantity over quality
- Major Leagues/VAC interest
- Highest chance of possible leaks/league admins banning legit people for sharing lobby links etc..
- Extreme Spam at forums by newbies asking for settings/how to use

-Implement slots system in LC 3.0
Pros and cons:
+ Very low userbase
+ Almost 0 interest by major leagues/VAC
+ Quality over quantity
- Moni will be issue here, J480 will be able to pay for himself (work) and pay for LC services (servers rents etc..)
- Not everyone will be able to get free slot, basically only those "lucky" guys will have access.

-Release LC 3.0 publicly but increase price to 50$ for League Multi $50/mo
Pros and cons:
+ Enough moni for J480 + cash for new projects
+ Significantly smaller userbase
+ Low interest by major leagues/VAC
+ Quality over quantity
- Only rich people will be able to afford this subscription

-Lower Beta requirements to 2 months subscription, keep the same prices and allow almost every user to apply->get beta access.
Pros and cons:
+ Enough moni for J480 + cash for new projects + upgrades
+ Little bit higher userbase than now.
+ Some interest by major leagues/VAC
+ Everyone will be able to buy it
+ Quality over quantity
- Average traffic at forums
- To complete registration process you have to complete quick quiz, just to make sure you understand basic English + you have working brain

-Introduce 3 tier LC 3.0. Non-League Multi = MM/All server sided ACs, League Multi = Gfinity/CEVO/ESL, PRO League Multi = EAC/FaceIT/GC
Pros and cons:
+ Enough moni to keep LC running + expand
+ Average userbase + 4 different slots (Multi, Multi2, League, PRO)
+ Some interest by major leagues/VAC
+ Everyone will be able to buy it
+ Quality over quantity
- Average traffic at forums
- To complete registration process you have to complete quick quiz, just to make sure you understand basic English + you have working brain

I highly suggest fourth or fifth option. Personally I will vote for fifth option.
Before we decide and choose one of those business models, we want to know what our community thinks about it. I enabled a poll that everyone can vote in. Your vote is important, together, we can make this place greater :)

New Recruitment


We are looking for new people to join our LC team.
Currently we are looking for: Helpers, Video editors (Promoters), Graphic, Graphic designer.
Ranks (hierarchy): Helper > Support > Mod > sMod > Staff > Staff (Admin)

Position: Helper
  • Have an active subscription
  • Good* knowledge about our software (cheats)
  • Working brain (brain dead users can't apply!)
  • Understand English+
  • Trusted Leaguecheats subscriber (at least 6 months of usage our software)
  • Minimum 400 forum posts
  • Minimum 30 forum likes
  • Free time (you don't need to stay 24/7 active @ forums, when you have time just check threads/support tickets)
  • Be Friendly to others

-All LC products for free.
-Closed beta testing (New bypass, 3D aimbot, new games etc..)

If you are interested create thread here >LINK< use this format:
Thread Title: "(How many months you using LC) | For what position are you applying Helper/Video Editor/Graphic Designer | Your auth username"
Cheat knowledge scale 1-10*:
Known languages:
CS:GO experiences:
Something about you:

Position: Video Editor
  • Have an active subscription
  • Good editing software knowledge (HLAE, Sony Vegas, Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D)
  • Working brain (brain dead users can't apply!)
  • Understand English
  • Leaguecheats subscriber (at least 1 month of usage our software)

-All LC products for free.
-Closed beta testing (New bypass, 3D aimbot, new games etc..)

If you are interested create thread here >LINK< use this format:
Thread Title: "(How many months you using LC) | For what position are you applying Helper/Video Editor/Graphic Designer | Your auth username"
Cheat knowledge scale 1-10*:
Software experience (HLAE, Sony Vegas, Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D) scale 1-10*:
Known languages:
CS:GO experiences:
Something about you:

Position: Graphic Designer
  • Have an active subscription
  • Good editing software knowledge (Photoshop, AE etc..)
  • Working brain (brain dead users can't apply!)
  • Understand English
  • Leaguecheats subscriber (at least 1 month of usage our software)

-All LC products for free.
-Closed beta testing (New bypass, 3D aimbot, new games etc..)

If you are interested create thread here >LINK< use this format:
Thread Title: "(How many months you using LC) | For what position are you applying Helper/Video Editor/Graphic Designer | Your auth username"
Cheat knowledge scale 1-10*:
Software experience (Photoshop, AE etc..) scale 1-10*:
Known languages:
CS:GO experiences:
Something about you:

Soon there will be some changes in LC Staff hierarchy. Dismissal, degradation & promotion of course.





Please do not PM or Open a ticket for it.

LeagueCheats Staff
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bit over kill I would say max 3 months :)
we will see there will also be other requirements other then just sub time like the beta now but not as extreme and probably need ID too and maybe other stuff
we will see there will also be other requirements other then just sub time like the beta now but not as extreme and probably need ID too and maybe other stuff

I know but I dont see how the way it is now is extreme have a working brain with the req needed and you will pass.The id thing is great aswell imo
More requirements = more security and assurance that only trusted people will be able to use this so I think its good. 3-6 months old subscription + ID + 50 $ sound nice
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It's called formality. Once it reach 300 votes I can officially say that new business model inc to LC.