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Eligible for Pro League Beta
HL1 Pro League
Jul 30, 2020
Dear Cheaters
anyone who is interested in purchasing an HL1 (CS1.6) cheat for gameguard, comment in this thread..
@Jimster480 jimster said "if the cheat has enough demand, he will code a cheat for gameguars once again.
just comment here anything.. and PLEASE, no shitty attitude, only if u want it.
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Soon enough. I have been working on moving. Everything is finally going to be setup this week in my new place so i can resume programming.
Reactions: enki
you are a LITTLE late buddy, 2 years or perhaps even 3, the platform is dead and it will be closed very soon. Don't bother, unless you can bypass it in a week and want some quick $$$. keep in mind that these guys commenting here will 100% not be satisfied with just an aimbot with <0.2fov, psilent is patched AND detected on the servers and they actually have a lot more serverside demo processing and detection vectors than you could think of, visuals will be near impossible too since they screenshot every window, even when not in game and could just use that to bust you, also I'm not sure but I'm 100% positive they can also see/read cookies for cheat related info since their dev actively bans ppl for "suspicious activity" and refuse to elaborate as to why they were banned, most of these guys I talked to said they were looking for cheats but didn't have any, eventually they complained to the owner and they got unbanned as to 'no proof of cheating'.

+ Making an aimbot that will not get you flagged instantly by their server-side + client-side combined check will be a REAL pain, and even if you do it won't be that good (not because I doubt your coding skills), but because the game's netcode is DOGSHIT and even if you help the user to aim the bullets will not go in anyway, psilent only works for the first bullet and even then for like 0.1 or 0.2 fov which is literally the Accuracy Fix AMXX plugin they are using, so you won't feel anything out of ordinary really.

You promised this cheat like 2 years ago when we talked in May, it was "in the works" and i don't know what to say about this bro, you just missed the train... simple! the game was active during COVID, not anymore, might as well just not even release it.
@Jimster480 is this true?
I mean there are still players in the game.
pSilent isn't something that I have ever done with CS1.6 because it is plain shit. My aimbot has never been based on any of the garbage that you are talking about.... so it isn't affected by it.
I am well aware that they have a ton of different checks, I have gone through them and I see what they are doing. It is indeed difficult to bypass fastcup and this is why I said I needed actual interest to invest the time in it.
Interest has been shown to me but if you see this thread... it isn't even 4 months old. I have been moving the past months and haven't been working on cheat code really at all.... I have other things I have to catch up on before I can put my time into finishing fastcup.
I doubt the platform is about to be closed... there are people who are playing it.

In time I will finish it, but it likely won't be until some time in July unless things go really well this month. I still haven't finished moving as I moved quite far from where I lived before, so it has been a big mission. Not that I really need to explain myself, but I just want to clear the air here as to what is going on.
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