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Eligible for Pro League Beta
HL1 Pro League
Jul 30, 2020
Dear Cheaters
anyone who is interested in purchasing an HL1 (CS1.6) cheat for gameguard, comment in this thread..
@Jimster480 jimster said "if the cheat has enough demand, he will code a cheat for gameguars once again.
just comment here anything.. and PLEASE, no shitty attitude, only if u want it.
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I'm looking for a fastcup cheat, is there anyone for sale... leave me a private message
There is nothing working on FastCup at the moment. I am working on it but I have been moving. Now that GamersClub has basically killed itself, this cheat + the wargods cheat are at the top of my list.
I will be working on this some over the next couple weeks. I wanted to release it by May 1st but I am not sure about that date considering the slow progress on my move due to outside circumstances.
when it goes on sale bro please write me a message to buy it. Ty 🙏
Ok, will it be working on gameguard non fastcup servers?only gameguard?
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