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Silver I
Feb 24, 2017
I understand that you are doing an update right now, I was just wondering what AC's it will support after. I would mainly play on Faceit and, so would it bypass:

-FaceIT Client
- Client (Variation or just a copy and paste of EAC I believe)

Thank you
In my opinion if u play with visuals you play more obvious than with a low fov aimbot.. you don't know the power of lc aimbot and looks very smooth and legit.. its not like every c+p shitty aimbot..
Its really different to everyone. Maybe he has a playstyle where it works better, not as obvious.

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My aim is already good and I can easily control spray. I usually call when I play so with esp I can get a good read of the game and set up accordingly, also I check corners even when I know people are there, it just helps to know when someone is there so I can get an advantage on them and kill them easily. So, as Sejni says, ESP does suit my play style and I have learned to hide it.
on faceit and most leagues they record the in game chat too so if you call something that no one obviously didn't know and they review you this could be bad but ultimately its up to you
You won't be able to use visuals in any EAC based AC atm.
Visuals on FaceIT only in fullscreen but you have to use it at you own risk. We have been testing visuals for few weeks now without any bans.
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