Hey all Niik here and its that time again where I go around and collect your demos to be shown off in the next League Cheats video! This time around we would prefer all demos and clips from everyone participation in the beta 3.0! (.dem files only) But if youre not participating in the beta we...
Hey all, Just curious if i was to upload all the demo recordings from your clips that you sent in including the cinematics for that clip would you be interested in having those to give your hand at editing them as well? All clips would be already be recorded in HLAE with the name change. Let me...
so i want to train my editing skill and i dont have any clips basically so if you want me to edit some of your clips upload them listed as private video on youtube and i will download them and edit them :)
no this is not meant to show off and frags or skills in this vid, its just for editing purposes so before you complain "ugh i can't see the clips" "so bad cuz i cant see the clips" well I edit for editing not to show off some clips in like a fragshow
P.S remeber this is not finished, some...