Hey fam.. My sub ran out and I'm wondering if I should buy now or if there is gonna be a new year sale. Can't remember if there was one last year or not.
Hey guys, after a few weeks of work and testings, I am somewhat confident with my config to showcase some weapons. This config is targeted towards Lan & Streaming Gameplay.
Please note that recording with OBS (NVENC) makes the game somewhat microstuttery, which might make some moments look not...
Welcome everyone to another wonderful day at League Cheats we can't Thank You enough for joining us or for the ones who served, I myself being a veteran am honored to be apart of an amazing community striving to be the best and honor all whom have served not just in the United States but all...
Bonjour et bienvenue à tout nos amis Francophones sur ce qu'est le plus sûr de tout les fournisseurs de cheats privées et ce depuis 2007.
Dans ce sujet je vais vous introduire aux forums de Leagucheats et en quoi consistent l'utilisation d'un logiciel de triche dit "Legit" si vous avez plus de...
First, sorry for my English, not the best I know.
I know it's not a screenshot, but I didnt know where to upload it
I made this design -> here in HD: https://imgur.com/cCwvkUj
And I wanted to know if they liked it, I did a couple more but it does not raise it, just the same way if they want to...
Im Namen vom gesamten Leaguecheats-Team und der Community, wünsche ich jedes neue deutsche Mitglied in unserer Community herzlich Willkommen. Du hast wahrscheinlich viele Fragen, die ich in diesem Beitrag versuchen werde zu beantworten. Falls Fragen offen bleiben sollten, zögere bitte nicht...
On this match all noobs used aimshit and even with spinbot they still get rekt by LC <3 :D We won match 16 to 6 :D and i played there only with my friend @kuris
Jokes apart, I've been working on this particular piece for some decent hours, it's quite simple but I was to damn indecisive trying a dozen shits for so long that when I realized all the evening was gone lol
This time I used all screenshots provided by @panzer, @ToX and co. altogether :D...
I am confused. I just bought 1 month of the Multi league cheat for $35. Some guy was saying I can only use it on esea when I have had it for 2 months. And could I use this cheat at lan? Any help is appreciated.