
Feb 5, 2016
  1. I am using hotspot shield to change my ip got lifetime sorted my faceit insta bans. do u think thats okay guys?
  2. CSGO hack what features can i use on FaceIT
  3. Is there any configs out for premium users so i can use it?
  4. is trigger available ?
  5. esp does it work? on faceit.
  6. if i only use trigger with pistol and awp will i get insta banned? at anytime? With a*mw*re i did.
  7. Does it run in 64bit windows 10?
You can use hotspot shield but it would still be easier for you if you just changed your home IP.
You can use all features on FaceIT, apart from the bunnyhop, certain configuration also aren't recommended like low trigger delays.
There are configs in the VIP section.
The triggerbot is in the full package.
ESP works on faceit, at a slightly shorter range than normal MM.
You won't get banned fro trigger as long as you use a small delay.
Yes 64 bit Windows 10 is supported.