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Latest 3.0 Beta News, New Recruitment and Much More! [Updated]

Maybe think about your money as a donation .Im w8ing as long as you m8 but im not crying why? Cuz i know when i buy lc i give jimster time to work on security (he dont need full time job with our support)imagine how. long it would take if lc was hes hobby ... btw w8 6month for cheat that might work another 900 days ud is fine for me . 75 $is nothing m8 you can get it
back in 1month from faceit
Edit: btw it would be better if you could talk about beta on beta section not public m8
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Now let just say someone will buy 1 mo sub > freeze sub > wait 5 months > apply as beta?

You need to have 2 months of subscription in total. Means = BUY 1 month WAIT > BUY + 1 month > BUY + 1 month and apply for BETA = 3.0 access granted.

This maybe 2 months version Non League?
Dunno why people are retarded and need to leak that shit, since they just got faggot cheat Providers that never will Bypass FaceIT xD

u disagree with my topic so i guess u like to have slots with the risk YOU and many other to stay out of pro cheat??


u spend 75$ and u think u can talk shit , impressive. You guys are really funny. All hurry to get cheat and go to faceit Hack all day with zero knowledge most of you which gonna lead to faster detect , or ban to your account then come here to cry that u got banned and its cheat fault..... We all wanna rape faceit but you CANT WAIT?? to recieve a 100% secured cheat ?? You prefer to risk your accounts and maybe all these months of work just to get it faster in ur hands?
@ToX will the people who already have multi league be upgraded to pro multi if you do go with that idea?


u disagree with my topic so i guess u like to have slots with the risk YOU and many other to stay out of pro cheat??
Im not that long at LC, but i think and know that with time everything can be done . I wouldnt have a problem with it if I only can use LC on some League Systems and some not.
Still up for the option with three levels of payment. I just dont get it, like @ToX said, he has a FN Dlore in hes inventory, If I had one, I would never cheat unless I had LC, because I feel confident in the security. I got a 2k€ inventory, and im in no fear. Also, bumping the price up 15 bucks a month, is worth more than getting your account and inventory banned. Im on my second month of subbing after having a break for a few months, and I will continue to be here even if the price is 25/35/50, doesn't matter. I even pay 35 a month now, and I only play MM atm, but I want the best of the best, not that a cheaper plan would do the same, but a few bucks aint much, and I dont feel Ive even wasted a dime.
I can wait, first of all stop think you are something. Second of all, I have been waiting for 5 months already. The thing they do is that they say "we are done tomorrow" and then u buy sub and they're not done. Which is quite annoying. Third of all, im 10 times smarter than you, just stop acting like you are smart seriously.
That what we should do xd
Yea, I'm a wizard and I can see future.. No one really knows how FaceIT AC would looks like, if they go full nazi or not.
Also the amount of retarded people are insane. They want to leak everything that we provide.

Regards, ToX
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If yu were smart u whould buy something before it come out hahaha , Sorry for this but Not

RELAX guys hope it will come out soon and if not well no problem it will come out in the end.
im 10 times smarter than you,

You're not really proving it atm buddy. "I can wait, first of all stop think you are something" this is just pure gold you tell people to stop thinking they are something and then you go on thinking you can say what ever you want because you paid?
Reactions: KKUkUr2017
You're not really proving it atm buddy. "I can wait, first of all stop think you are something" this is just pure gold you tell people to stop thinking they are something and then you go on thinking you can say what ever you want because you paid?

Nvm guys its over now we can fight like 10 years old kids via PM if u want or via skype for a better communication lol .

Lets focus on LC 3.0 and what we whould like to see as release
Instead of crying for 50$ think about it this way: buy the cheat for 50$, make a team and win tournaments everyday = big profit = free cheat + profit for using LC, basically you will win money to cheat, im starting a fresh account and will invite chill people with brains to rekt everything.
Reactions: fame1337
I'm definitely interested If you ever actually go through with this idea!
I understand that 50$ it's a lot for someone. But if you consider the security and what HQ product you get, it's actually not a bad deal.

You can't win anything solo, maye ESL cup 1vs1 but that's pointless. You won't earn big bucks.
But if you consider leagues with EAC/FaceIT AC -> Cheating lobby at least 2-3 people cheating in team -> you should be able to earn something. Even if you earn just a few skins -> sell it at OP skins -> you have cash for LC in next mo = free sub?

Pointless would be to pay 50$ per mo for MM cheat when u can have Non-League Multi for 25$..
Reactions: markc and Carmelo

It's cheap and easy. a private cheat can cost a lot. and what LC are offering its a public private for leagues.

quality over quantity right?
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