Hey everyone,
The new updates for CSGO Danger Zone Battle Royale should be up now.
You will all need to download new cheat versions from the updater and run the builder again.
For those using something like GamersClub private you will need to unapply before applying the new versions. Please do...
I just purchased and paid 25$ for cheats, I made support ticket now and I need to wait only?
But what was the username/password which I typed inside before the purchase?
Kind regards,
All values have been updated for the new update today.
Please download a new version (From the Login Updater), especially if you use Armor or entity / defuse / bomb esp.
As far as the new bones: 8=head 7=neck 6=chest 5=stomach
I will make a couple screenshots with new numbers and possibly if...
Hey all,
I restarted the build server and relinked everything.
The updater is now working again.
Please feel free to login and download whatever you need.
Thanks for your patience!
Hey everyone,
A few changes have been made which affect all of the cheats.
A few engine things have changed and the engine client has updated to a new version.
New versions should be out within 10 minutes.
I purchased the $35 package, however I didn't have an account on the website at the time, I jsut made one now. Will this be a problem when receiving the download?
Hey all,
I have done some work to get the updater back up. It should be working at this point in time.
Although the original updater server is still down it is running on a backup sever at this point in time and should be at full functionality!
Thanks for all of your patience!
Hey all,
For the moment the updater is down.
There is a problem with the updater server in receiving the builds.
It should be fixed by tomorrow mid day as I have to wait for the server company to physically inspect the server.
Otherwise everything is working as normal.
if you need a new build...
Hey all,
CSGO just had another semi-large update tonight and broke a bunch of offsets....
New version of the cheats should be available as I write this.
Use the Login Updater to download the new version (remember to save your configs, or just don't build the config).
Happy Cheating!
Open Beta has been released today! There will be more changes coming very soon :) We are working on a new Guide aswell as the league proofings. Make sure to check our new request features list here.
CSGO Beta is available to every current customer! For new updater use an old download link.