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  1. M

    Faceit AC.

    If i buy Wh only can i still use it on Faceit AC? Thanks you
  2. S


    Can you cheat on FaceIt Server and Client AC?
  3. P


    Hi, its work for gamersclub?
  4. S

    LC 3.0

    Can i still get to beta 3.0? When will the official 3.0. Is BETA 3.0 secure? Do i have a chance to get
  5. CSGO Private Hack - Aimbot

    Hi Guys, Just purchased your LC Package and have used it in the past with no bans. However iv'e been playing this game for quite some time and am quite decent at it. I only tend to use the Aim Assistance on the cheat but i am currently looking to buy a private version, this is the only...
  6. T

    The time is here | Current stage of FaceIT AC, EAC bypass development [UPDATED 03.07.2017]

    We successfully graduated works on our unique bypass for FaceIT Anti-Cheat client and Easy Anti-Cheat. Right now we are pushing forward our beta bypass for more people. Currently 13 users gained access to our BETA tests. Why you can't release it now? We could, but there is one problem. The...
  7. Shitty Fragmovie - But Good Clips!

    The first half ish(the good quality clips) are new and with my current config. The last half are old and with Virus' beta faceit settings, so kinda strong. I know the movie itself is shit, but it shows what LC is capable of! I love this cheat man :D
  8. Question about the League update coming

    So I've heard the league update is coming before this weekend (so tomorrow). Well my question: Will you release the update for all leagues at the same time? I only need it for ESL & EAC, will that both be released tomorrow or will you only release the update for 1 anti-cheat at a time?
  9. R

    Counter strike 1.6?

    Hey guys, I was wondering if the cheat pack (league version) supports EAC?
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