Bone Aimbot
A legit aimbot that doesn't use any angle code that other competitors use. It aims in a legitimate fashion. | Name
Name of the player. | Crosshair
When enabled it will draw a cross-hair on your screen, perfect for snipers, it also features an adjustable size. |
Bone and Multibone
Adjust which bone to aim at or select as many Bones as you want. | Health
Shows the current health of a player. | Menu
Text based in game menu for ultimate security, designed to look as inconspicuous as possible, can be totally disabled. |
Adjust how smooth the aimbot is in its human-like drag. | Armor
Shows the current amount of armor a player has. | Anti Steam Screenshot
Disable the cheat when you take a Steam Screenshot |
Adjust how smooth the aimbot is in its human-like drag. | ArmorType
Show if a player currently has a Kevlar vest, a helmet or both equipped. | Adjustable Menu location
Move the menu you like anywhere on your screen using X and Y coordinates. |
See what weapon a player is currently holding. | Adjustable Menu location
Move the menu you like anywhere on your screen using X and Y coordinates. | |
Adjust the Field of View of the aimbot or percentage of the screen that the aimbot will target enemies from.[/B] | Weapon Ammo
See how much ammo you have left in the current clip. | |
Adjust which key the aimbot will use to aim. | Box Size & Box Multi
The size of the boxes around the players, adjustable to how you like. | |
Make sure you're only hitting enemies that you can see, or turn it off to get some sick wallbangs. | Distance
The distance of each player from you. | |
Visible checking on enemies with close enemy. | Box
A box around each players model, adjusting with distance (new rectangle box type). | |
Aim at One Target per press of the AimKey (Aimbot Doesn't Hop to Other Targets even after death). | Sequence
What action or stance the player is in (Running, Ducking, Jumping, Scoped etc). | |
Randomizes the Spot around the target bones, making your aim look more humanized and legit. | Team ESP
Toggle ESP on your teammates. | |
Amount of time that the aimbot and Aimbot-RCS is active for, after you press the aimkey. | Visible ESP
Different color ESP for visible & non-visible players. | |
Ammo Management
Disable aimbot and TriggerBot when the gun clip is empty. | | |
Different FoV for players with in a certain distance (CloseFOV Distance). | | |
Aim when shooting, aim when not shooting. | | |
Start recoil after x bullets (Good for 1-2 Taps). | | |
Adjust the recoil counter while using the aimbot. | | |
Adjust which key the anti-recoil is set on. (For all Aimbot Keys) | | |
Control if recoil control is always on or only when using the Aimbot | | |
Adjust how long the Recoil will stay stuck to the target, very usable for when playing at a LAN. | | |