CS 1.6


Feb 10, 2018
Cześć, chciałbym się dowiedzieć czy czit do CS`a 1.6 jest już dostępny tzn działa? Bo nie widzę nigdzie informacji na ten temat.
Tak, działa ale tylko na zwykłych serwerach. Bez modów i SS AC.
1.6 cheat only works properly at default vanilia servers (without server sided anti-cheats).
Yes, they are running custom server sided plugins to block wallhack etc..
Yes it works only on servers without full custom models (like warcraft servers) or some other serverside custom anticheat servers.
So it won't work on every server at this point in time, we will make an update in the future to try to support more servers. But right now its difficult because there are so many variations of the mods available on the servers which are changing all the models completely.