
  1. niiro

    ESL wire proof?

    Hello, some features in Multi League UD on esl wire have some game today can someone help me out? :) i gonna buy League version if its UD atm someone knows? :D greets
  2. amnez1k


    does someone has some settings for faceit? I saw someone talked about cfg section.. where is that?
  3. panzer

    Ez faceit pleb gets a ban

  4. L

    Need help..

    I am new here , is there someone can tell me how to send a PM?...I can not find the button.....
  5. sudo

    HvH against lc ToX(legit) and

    ragers: @AirMake @pipz1337 (they didnt use lc)
  6. toker

    how do i come in contact with jimster?

    how do i come in contact with jimster? someone know when he is coming online or can tell im to come? i need help and i have waited so long already!! thank you
  7. MoMeak


    hey guys. I heard someone use wallhack in Faceit,ist safe?? i just know faceit cant use this feature. Can someone tell me.:(