
  1. Adex

    Ak 1 taps xd

    So i got some 1 taps while playing Faceit with Leaguecheats. pls tell me what you guys think if it was bad , good , blatant etc etc. Thanks Cred to $nowii https://leaguecheats.com/members/nowii.9019/ for helping me configure the settings. LC still the BEST :D Have a good day/ night or what...
  2. Aaron

    Some flicks

    Off the bat: I don't know WHY they look so locky. I have 3.50 smooth and 2 super, which is more than enough as I actually tested with POV demos in 128 and 64tick. So, fuck CSGO Demos:
  3. albanerendk

    How To Deagle :D

    recorded with shadowplay, instant reply thingy, so might be more "locky" than usual, dunno. supersmooth 8 though :P