What Leagues are Supported?

Non-League versions support: VAC2/VAC3/MM/ZenGaming/SMAC/PopFlash
[*]League versions support the above listed and additionally : CEVO*/Gfinity*(unsupported atm)(EAC + AAC + myAC Support planned)
[*]Works in Fullscreen and Fullscreen Windowed

-At the moment you can only play on SMAC [ faceit without anticheat ] , matchmaking, and sites like popflash or pvpro where you play on VAC.
-Jimster said that in a few days the big update will come out and that will suport EAC,Faceit AC, and all the anticheats that are part of EAC.

-and faceit ac and eac will only be for LEAGUE version
Non-League versions support: VAC2/VAC3/MM/ZenGaming/SMAC/PopFlash
[*]League versions support the above listed and additionally : CEVO*/Gfinity*(unsupported atm)(EAC + AAC + myAC Support planned)
[*]Works in Fullscreen and Fullscreen Windowed

-At the moment you can only play on SMAC [ faceit without anticheat ] , matchmaking, and sites like popflash or pvpro where you play on VAC.
-Jimster said that in a few days the big update will come and that will suport EAC,Faceit AC, and all the anticheats that are part of EAC.
Alright thank you, I'll check back in a few days or whenever the update happens then buy the cheat.
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Currently the best option is buy non league lc version after proofs you can upgrade cheat to league version :)